Galaxy M87 in Virgo
The large galaxy in this image is the giant elliptical M87. Also shown are galaxies NGC4478 and NGC4476 to the right of M87. This is one of the most luminous and massive of all galaxies known
M87 is one of the most massive galaxies known and a highly energetic galaxy and has a large jet about 4100 light years long coming out of it. If you put your mouse over this figure, you will see a blowup of this galaxy showing the Jet. Also, if you hold the mouse button down, you will see this galaxy in relation to those of Markarian's chain. M87 is the galaxy in the lower right of this image while M84 and M86 are in the upper right.
Images taken with TEC-140 Telescope mounted on Losmandy G11 mount. Camera used was a Canon EOS20D used at prime focus.
Ten 3 minutes exposures dark, flat, and bias compensated, aligned and stacked, background removed and Digitaly Developed in ImagesPlus 2.50.